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Degenwars Terms of Service
Last updated: April 16th 2024
These terms, and the accompanying privacy policy at https://www.degenwars.gg/privacy, which is
incorporated into and a part of these terms, govern the use of the Degenwars website at
https://www.degenwars.gg and the associated tools and services.
By accessing or using the Services (or by clicking on “accept” or “agree” when prompted), you
agree to be bound by these terms on behalf of yourself or the entity or organization that you
represent. If you do not agree to these terms of service, you may not use or access the Services
and must exit the Degenwars website immediately.
Collectively, the website and the associated tools and services are referred to as the Services” in
these terms. The operator may offer other products and services.
In addition to the website and the associated tools and services, the Services include:
The Degenwars Social Trading Card game
The Degenwars Competition
The Degenwars Player
The Degenwars Analytics
The Degenwars Home
The Degenwars Marketplace
The Degenwars Rewards
The Degenwars Shop
The Degenwars Referral Program
The Services do not include outside websites or platforms which may be linked or interconnected
to the Services. Such outside platforms may have their own terms of service, which control for
all transactions on such platforms.
The operator is not responsible for any transactions on other platforms and disclaims all
liability for such transactions.
As part of the services, users may be given the opportunity to obtain or purchase “non-fungible
tokens” (NFTs) from other users. Any and all NFTs and other cryptographic tokens that may be
made available by other users through the Services are intended for consumptive use specifically
and have no use or utility on any other platform or site except the Services. You understand and
agree that all tokens, NFTs, and other crypto assets which may be transacted with using the
Services are not “securities” within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or
the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any other similar securities act (state or
federal), or regulations issued thereunder; and that under no circumstances whatsoever will the
operator be deemed to be an underwriter or seller of a security; and you irrevocably waive any
right to claim that any transaction involving any such crypto asset involving the Services
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constitutes the purchase of a security or that the operator is the seller or underwriter of a
These terms include important provisions governing your use of the Services. These provisions
affect such matters as your right to use the Services, actions you are prohibited from taking
with respect to the Services, disclaimers regarding liability, and your waiver of the right to
bring a suit in a court of law and to a jury trial. Before using the Services, make sure that you
read and understand all of these terms and the accompanying privacy policy at
https://www.degenwars.gg/privacy, and affirmatively indicate your agreement to these terms
where prompted.
The Services are offered by the site operator and are referred to as“operator,”
“we,” or “us” in these terms.
Any rewards that may be allocated to your account, including but not limited to leaderboard
position, BLAST, ETH, and/or FAN points, or exclusive Packs, are at the operator’s sole
discretion, and are subject to change at any time. The operator is not responsible for, and
disclaims all liability for, any loss of such rewards and/or any failure to receive such rewards.
You accept all risk associated with such rewards. Other than as expressly provided in these
terms, any statement by the operator in the Services regarding such rewards is non-binding and
subject to change at any time.
Important Terms
These terms include a number of especially important provisions that affect your rights and
responsibilities, such as the disclaimers in Disclaimers, limits on the operator’s legal liability to
you in Limits on Liability, your agreement to reimburse the operator for problems caused by
your misuse of the Services in Your Responsibility, and an agreement about how to resolve
disputes in Disputes.
Using the Services may require that you pay a fee to other users of the Services (such as
merchants) or to the operator. Using the Services may also require that you pay a fee to parties
other than users or the operator, such as gas charges on the blockchain to perform a transaction.
You acknowledge and agree that the operator has no control over any such transactions,
the method of payment of such transactions or any actual payments of transactions.
Accordingly, you must ensure that you have a sufficient balance of the applicable cryptocurrency
tokens stored at your protocol-compatible wallet address to complete any transaction on the
blockchain or Services before initiating such transaction.
This website may contain certain forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and
uncertainties. Such statements use forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,”
“potential,” “intend,” “expect,” “outlook,” “seek,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “approximately,”
“believe,” “could,” “project,” “predict,” or other similar words or expressions. Forward-looking
statements are based on certain assumptions, discuss future expectations, describe future plans
and strategies, or state other forward-looking information. Our ability to predict future events,
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actions, plans or strategies is inherently uncertain and actual outcomes may differ materially
from those set forth or anticipated in such forward-looking statements. You are cautioned not to
place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. There is no guarantee of profits and any
transaction may include a risk of loss.
Past price trends are not indicative of future price trends and are not intended to be a proxy for
historical or projected future performance of any specific asset or instrument.
The operator of this website and its affiliates are not registered, licensed, or supervised as an
exchange, broker dealers or investment advisers by the SEC, the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA), or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any
financial advice or services.
The information contained in the Services neither constitutes an offer for nor a solicitation of
interest in any securities offering.
Your Permission to Use the Services
Subject to these terms, the operator gives you permission to use the Services. You can’t transfer
your permission to anyone else. Others need to agree to these terms for themselves to use the
Conditions for Use of the Services
Your permission to use the Services is subject to the following conditions:
1. You must be at least eighteen years old.
2. You may no longer use the Services if the operator tells you that you may not.
3. You must follow Acceptable Use and Content Standards.
4. You must affirmatively indicate your agreement to these terms where prompted in the
Acceptable Use
1. You may not break the law using the Services. If we determine that you have broken
the law, we will revoke your access.
2. You may not use or try to use anyone else’s account on the Services (or to connect with
anyone else’s wallet) without their specific permission.
3. You may not create a “Hero” account for anyone else.
4. You may not buy, sell, or otherwise trade usernames or other unique user or account
identifiers on the Services.
5. You may not make publicly available the personal information of other people using the
6. You may not send advertisements, chain letters, or other solicitations through the
Services, or use the Services to gather addresses for distribution lists (except to the extent
expressly provided by the functionality of the Services).
7. You may not falsely imply that you’re affiliated with or endorsed by the operator.
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8. You may not remove any marks showing proprietary ownership from materials you
download from the Services.
9. You may not disable, avoid, or circumvent any security or access restrictions of the
10. You may not strain infrastructure of the Services with an unreasonable volume of
requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on information systems
the operator uses to provide the Services.
11. You may not “screen scrape” or otherwise use any automated means to access the
Services or collect any information from the services, except to index the public-facing
portions of the Services for a search engine.
12. You may not impersonate others through the Services.
13. You may not reverse engineer or “decompile” any of the Services.
14. You may not use a modified device to use the Services if the modification is contrary to
the manufacturer’s software or hardware guidelines, including disabling hardware or
software controls—sometimes referred to as “jail breaking.”
15. You may not encourage or help anyone in violation of these terms.
16. You may not bypass or defeat any “geoblocks” or other restrictions on the availability of
the Services.
17. You are not a resident, national, or agent of the Crimea region, Cuba, Iran, North Korea,
Syria, or any other country to which the United States, the United Kingdom, or the
European Union embargoes goods or imposes similar sanctions.
18. You may not have been identified as a Specially Designated National or placed on any
sanctions list by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the
U.S. Commerce Department, or the U.S. Department of State; and you will not use our
Services to conduct any illegal or illicit activity.
19. You have not been placed on any of the following lists: European External Action
Service Consolidated Financial Sanctions List; EU Terrorist List; FATF Non-Cooperative
Countries and Territories; Federal Bureau of Investigation Most Wanted Terrorists &
Seeking Information; Bank of England Sanctions List; HM Treasury Sanctions List;
Politically Exposed Persons List; World Bank Ineligible Firms; Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade Consolidated List.
Content Standards
1. You may not engage in conduct or submit content to the Services that is illegal,
defamatory, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes, but is not limited to,
conduct or content that is harassing, inappropriate, expressing racial or other bigotry,
and/or abusive.
2. You may not engage in conduct or submit content to the Services that violates the law,
infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights, violates anyone’s privacy, pretends to be
backed or sponsored by anyone else, or breaches agreements you have with others.
3. You may not submit content to the Services containing malicious computer code, such as
computer viruses or spyware.
4. You may not submit content to the Services as a mere placeholder to hold a particular
address, username, or other unique identifier.
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5. You may not use the Services to disclose information from or about others that you don’t
have the right to disclose.
6. The “Content Standards” in this section extend to any content hosted on any other site or
service and “embedded” in or otherwise connected to the Services, including any “Hero”
cards you create through the Services.
7. The operator shall have the sole right to determine whether any of the provisions in this
“Content Standards” section have been violated.
Featured Accounts
You opt-in and accept to be featured as a “Hero”, being listed as a card in the Services, at the
operator’s sole discretion. All featured accounts are at the operator’s sole discretion, and the
operator makes no warranty that any particular account will be featured or will continue to be
featured at any time.
Hero Account Removal
You may withdraw from the “Hero” program at any time by sending a withdrawal request to
[email protected]. Any such removal request will be processed within 14 days of its receipt.
We may also remove a Hero at any time, within our sole discretion.
Any rewards that may be allocated to your account, including but not limited to leaderboard
position, BLAST, ETH, and/or FAN points, or exclusive Packs, are at the operator’s sole
discretion, and are subject to change at any time. The operator is not responsible for, and
disclaims all liability for, any loss of such rewards and/or any failure to receive such rewards.
You accept all risk associated with such rewards. Other than as expressly provided in these
terms, any statement by the operator in the Services regarding such rewards is non-binding and
subject to change at any time.
1. The operator may investigate and prosecute violations of these terms to the fullest legal
extent. The operator may notify and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in
prosecuting violations of the law and these terms.
2. The operator reserves the right to change, redact, and delete content on the Services for
any reason. If you believe someone has submitted content to the Services in violation of
these terms, contact the operator immediately. See Contact.
3. The operator may, at any time and in its sole discretion, refuse any transaction, including
any purchase, sale, or transfer request submitted via the Services, impose limits, or
impose any other conditions or restrictions upon your use of the Services, without prior
notice. The operator may also make the Services unavailable at any time, in its sole
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Your Information
You agree to:
1. Provide accurate, current and complete information about you if requested by any
registration or subscription forms on the Services or otherwise requested by the operator;
2. Maintain the security of your password and identification;
3. Maintain and promptly update any information you provide to the operator, to keep it
accurate, current and complete;
4. Promptly notify the operator regarding any material changes to information or
circumstances that could affect your eligibility to continue to use the Services or the
terms on which you use the Services; and
5. Be fully responsible for all use of your account on the Services and for any actions that
take place using your account.
Third Party Service Providers
To provide the Services, the operator may use the following service providers. You authorize us
to share your information with these and other service providers as necessary for the provision of
the Services. You authorize these service providers and their affiliates and service providers to
use, disclose and retain your personal data in connection with these terms and the provision of
the Services and as required by law. As a condition of the use of the Services, you agree to each
of the agreements listed after each service provider.
Google (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Vercel (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Google Analytics (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Mix Panel (Terms, Privacy Policy)
AWS (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Privy (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Hasura (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Retool (Terms, Privacy Policy)
Your Content
1. The operator is not obligated to review or edit any user-submitted content on the
2. Nothing in these terms gives the operator any ownership rights in content or intellectual
property that you share with the Services, such as your account information and content
you submit to the Services. Nothing in these terms gives you any ownership rights in
the operator’s content or intellectual property, either. Unless otherwise noted, the operator
owns the intellectual property of the Services and all content it has posted.
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3. Between you and the operator, you remain solely responsible for content you submit to
the Services. You agree not to wrongly imply that content you submit to the Services is
from, sponsored by, or approved by the operator. These terms do not obligate
the operator to store, maintain, or provide copies of content you submit.
4. Content you submit to the Services belongs to you, and you decide how to license it to
others. But at a minimum, you license the operator to provide content that you submit to
the Services to other users of the Services. That special license allows the operator to
copy, publish, and analyze content you submit to the Services.
5. When content you submit is removed from the Services, whether by you or by
the operator, the operator’s special license ends when the last copy disappears from
the operator’s backups, caches, and other systems. Other licenses you give for your
content may continue after your content is removed. Those licenses may give others, or
the operator itself, the right to share your content through the Services again.
6. Others who receive content you submit to the Services may violate the terms on which
you license your content. You agree that the operator will not be liable to you for those
violations or their consequences.
7. The operator reserves the right to terminate, in its sole discretion, the accounts of any
users who repeatedly infringe the intellectual property of others.
Our Content
1. Unless otherwise stated, the operator and/or its licensors own the intellectual property
rights for all material in the Services. Certain images or videos appearing on the Services
may belong to third parties, in which case the operator is using such images as a fair and
permissible use and/or with the consent of the copyright holder. All intellectual property
rights are reserved.
2. You may view and/or content in the Services for your own personal use subject to
restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
3. You may not republish, sell, rent, sub-license, reproduce, duplicate, or copy content from
the Services, except with regard to your own content, or content to which you hold a
suitably permissive license.
4. You may not redistribute content from the services unless such content is specifically
designated for redistribution.
5. Nothing in these terms confers any license to any intellectual property rights, except as
explicitly stated.
If you believe that any material on the Services infringes upon any copyright which you own or
control, you may send a written notification of such infringement to our designated agent as set
forth below:
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The notification must be a written communication that includes the following:
1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of
an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple
copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such
3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of
infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and
information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;
4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as
an address, telephone number and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the
complaining party may be contacted;
5. A statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in
the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law;
6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of
perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an
exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Your Responsibility
You agree to reimburse the operator for all the costs of legal claims by others related to your
breach of these terms, or breach of these terms by others using your account. Both you and
the operator agree to notify the other side of any legal claims you might have to reimburse
the operator for as soon as possible. If the operator fails to notify you of a legal claim promptly,
you won’t have to reimburse the operator for costs that you could have defended against or
lessened with prompt notice. You agree to allow the operator to take over investigation, defense,
and settlement of legal claims you would have to reimburse the operator for, and to cooperate
with those efforts. The operator agrees not to enter any settlement that admits you were at fault
or requires you to do anything without your permission.
1. You accept all risk of using the Services and their content. As far as the law allows,
the operator provides the Services and its content “as is,” without any warranty
whatsoever. The operator expressly disclaims, and you expressly waive, any
representations, conditions or warranties of any kind, including, without limitation, the
implied or legal warranties and conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality,
quality or fitness for a particular purpose, title, security, availability, reliability, accuracy,
quiet enjoyment and non-infringement of third-party rights.
2. You confirm that you accept all risk associated with your personal financial,
cryptocurrency, and other crypto asset holdings, staking, and transfers as it relates
to accessing the Services. You agree and acknowledge that the operator is not
responsible or liable for any loss, harm, or damage, of any kind, related to or arising from
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your use of the Services, including any exploits, or arising from disclosure of your
personal wallet “key,” even if such loss may be attributed to an exploit, error or
“bug” in the Services.
3. You opt-in and accept to be featured as a “Hero”, being listed as a card in the Services, at
the operator’s sole discretion.
4. You may withdraw from the “Hero” program at any time by sending a withdrawal request
to [email protected]. Any such removal request will be processed within 14 days of
its receipt. The Operator owns the right, at his discretion, to withdraw a Hero, without
prior notice.
5. Any rewards that may be allocated to your account, including but not limited to
leaderboard position, BLAST, ETH, and/or FAN points, or exclusive Packs, are at the
operator’s sole discretion, and are subject to change at any time. The operator is not
responsible for, and disclaims all liability for, any loss of such rewards and/or any failure
to receive such rewards. You accept all risk associated with such rewards. Other than as
expressly provided in these terms, any statement by the operator in the Services regarding
such rewards is non-binding and subject to change at any time.
6. We do not warrant that the Services will be compatible with your mobile device or
carrier. Your use of the Services may be subject to the terms of your agreements with
your mobile device manufacturer or your carrier.
7. At any time, your access to your tokens or other cryptocurrency assets may be suspended
or terminated or there may be a delay in your access or use which may result in your
tokens or other cryptocurrency assets diminishing in value or you being unable to
complete a smart contract.
8. You accept all risks associated with the use of the Services to conduct cryptocurrency
transactions, including, but not limited to, in connection with the failure of hardware,
software, internet connections, and failures related to any supported network.
9. The Services may be suspended or terminated for any or no reason, which may limit your
access to your cryptocurrency assets.
10. The website may hyperlink to and integrate websites and services run by others.
The operator does not make any warranty about services run by others, or content they
may provide. Use of services run by others may be governed by other terms between you
and the one running service.
11. You agree that you understand the inherent risks associated with cryptographic systems,
including hacking risks and future technological development.
12. You agree that you have an understanding of the usage and intricacies of native
cryptographic tokens. You acknowledge and understand that with regard to any
cryptographic tokens “stored” in a wallet to which you have custody, you alone are
responsible for securing your private key(s). We do not have access to your private
key(s). Losing control of your private key(s) will permanently and irreversibly deny you
access to blockchain resources and your blockchain wallet.
13. You agree that with regard to any cryptographic tokens or other assets stored on resources
hosted by the operator, the operator is not liable to you for any loss, failure, or
unavailability of any kind, of such tokens or assets, for any reason.
14. Regardless of anything to the contrary in these terms, nothing in these terms is a waiver,
and we will not assert there has been a waiver, that would not be permissible under
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Section 14 of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 29(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, or any other applicable provision of federal and state securities laws.
15. You acknowledge that the operator and its affiliates do not provide investment advice or a
recommendation of securities or investments. You should always obtain independent
investment and tax advice from your professional advisers before making any investment
16. The information and services provided on the Services are not provided to, and may not
be used by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction where the provision or use thereof
would be contrary to applicable laws, rules or regulations of any governmental authority
or where the operator is not authorized to provide such information or services. Some
products and services described on the Services may not be available in all jurisdictions
or to all clients.
17. You acknowledge that you are not relying on the operator or any of its affiliates, officers,
directors, partners, agents or employees in making an investment decision. Always
consider seeking the advice of a qualified professional before making decisions regarding
your business and/or investments. The operator does not endorse any investments and
shall not be responsible in any way for any transactions you enter into with other users.
You agree that the operator and its affiliates, officers, directors, partners, agents or
employees will not be liable for any loss or damages of any sort incurred as a result of
any interactions between you and other users.
18. It is your responsibility to determine what, if any taxes may apply to the transactions you
complete under the Services and it is your responsibility to report and remit the
appropriate tax to the relevant taxing authorities. You agree that the operator is not
responsible for determining whether taxes apply to the exchanges made under the
Limits on Liability / Indemnification
1. As far as the law allows, neither you nor the operator will not be liable
to the other for any: (1) financial losses; (2) loss of use, data, business or
profits; or (3) indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, punitive, or
any other damages arising out of or relating to the Services or these
Terms of Service.
2. Both you and the operator acknowledge that the limitations of liability in this section are
material provisions of these Terms of Service, and that absent those limitations of
liability, one or both of the parties would have declined to enter into the Terms of Service
on the economic and other terms stated in it.
3. To the extent not expressly prohibited by law, both you and the operator
knowingly, voluntarily, intentionally, permanently, and irrevocably:
a. AGREE that the rights and obligations of both you and the operator that arise out
of or relate to the Services, or any transaction or relationship resulting from the
Services or these Terms of Service, are to be defined solely under the law of
contract in accordance with the express provisions of these Terms of Service; and
b. WAIVE any such obligations allegedly owed by you or the operator that are not
expressly stated in these Terms of Service, whether those obligations are alleged
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to arise in (for example) quasi-contract; quantum meruit; unjust enrichment;
promissory estoppel; tort; strict liability; by law (including for example any
constitution, statute, or regulation); or otherwise.
4. You and the operator specifically agree that each limitation of liability in this section is to
a. to both you and the operator, and to the affiliates, agents, and associated
individuals of both you and the operator;
b. to all claims for damages or other monetary relief, whether alleged to arise in
contract, tort (including for example negligence, gross negligence, or willful
misconduct), or otherwise;
c. regardless whether the damages are alleged to arise in contract, negligence, gross
negligence, other tort, willful misconduct, or otherwise;
d. even if the allegedly-liable party was advised, knew, or had reason to know of the
possibility of excluded damages and/or of damages in excess of the relevant
damages cap, if any; and
e. even if one or more limited remedies fail of their respective essential purposes.
5. Except as expressly stated otherwise in the Agreement: The cumulative
total liability of both you and the operator, for any and all breaches of
these Terms of Service, is not to exceed one US Dollars ($1.00 USD).
6. Both you and the operator expressly agree not to seek damages in excess of any
applicable limitation of liability stated in these Terms of Service.
7. Both you and the operator acknowledge that some jurisdictions might not permit
limitation or exclusion of remedies under some circumstances, in which case some or all
of the limitations of liability stated in this section might not apply; this sentence, though,
is not to be taken as a concession that any particular limitation or exclusion should not
8. You agree that you will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the operator, its affiliates,
licensors and service providers, and its and their respective officers, directors, employees,
contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors and assigns from and against any
claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses or fees (including
reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or relating to your violation of these Terms or
your use of the Services.
1. Either you or the operator may end this agreement at any time. When this agreement
ends, your permission to use the Services also ends.
2. If you violate any provision of this agreement for any reason, this agreement will
automatically terminate, and you must cease and desist from any further use of the
3. The following sections continue after this agreement ends: Your
Content, Feedback, Your Responsibility, Disclaimers, Limits on Liability,
and General Terms.
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1. The law of BVI will govern these terms and all legal proceedings related to these terms
or your use of the Services.
2. We both agree that in the event of any dispute that either party will first contact the other
party and make a good faith sustained effort to resolve the dispute before resorting to
more formal means of resolution, including without limitation, any court action, after first
allowing the receiving party 30 days in which to respond. Both you and the Company
agree that this dispute resolution procedure is a condition precedent which must be
satisfied before initiating any arbitration against you or the Company.
3. We both agree that all disputes related to the Services under these terms will be heard by
arbitration. The arbitration will be in English, heard by one arbitrator, and conducted by
4. The arbitration will be conducted under BVI International Arbitration Centre’
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules & Procedures, and in accordance with the
Expedited Procedures in those rules, except as modified by these terms. The BVI
International Arbitration Centre rules are available at https://www.jamsadr.com/.
5. The seat of the arbitration will be BVI; but the arbitration will be conducted
remotely to the extent permitted by the arbitration rules in effect.
6. We both agree to maintain the confidential nature of any arbitration proceeding and any
award, except as may be necessary to prepare for or conduct any arbitration hearing.
7. As a limited exception to the requirement for arbitration, both sides retain the right to
seek injunctive or other equitable relief from a court to prevent (or enjoin) the
infringement or misappropriation of our intellectual property rights.
8. If, for any reason, a dispute is heard in a court of law, both sides agree to bring any
proceedings related to this agreement (other than the enforcement of a judgment) only in
courts of competent jurisdiction in the location of the operator’s incorporation.
9. Neither you nor the operator will object to jurisdiction, forum, or venue in those courts.
10. Both sides waive their rights to trial by jury, and agree to bring any legal claims
related to this agreement as individuals, not as part of a class action or other
representative proceeding.
General Terms
1. If a section of these terms is unenforceable as written, but could be changed to make it
enforceable, that section should be changed to the minimum extent necessary to make it
enforceable. Otherwise, that section should be removed, and the others should be
enforced as written.
2. You may not assign this agreement. The operator may assign this agreement to any
affiliate of the operator, any other company that obtains control of the operator, or any
other company that buys assets of the operator related to the Services. Any attempt to
assign against these terms has no legal effect.
3. Neither the exercise of any right under this agreement, nor waiver of any breach of this
agreement, waives any other breach of this agreement.
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4. These terms, plus the terms on any Services incorporating them by reference, are all the
terms of agreement between you and the operator about use of the Services. This
agreement entirely replaces any other agreements about your use of the Services, written
or not.
1. You may notify the operator under these terms, and send questions to the operator, using
the contact information they provide.
2. The operator may notify you under these terms using the e-mail address you provide for
your account on the Services, or by posting a message to the homepage of the Services or
your account page.
1. The operator may update the terms of service for the Services. For changes that we
determine, in our sole discretion, to non-material, we will not provide notice.
The operator will however post material updates to the Services.