Game Mechanics

Delve into the intricacies of gameplay as we unravel the mechanics that govern every move, every decision, and every triumph in this epic one-on-one digital card battle.




Play cards are the cards every player needs in order to participate in games. Every play card consists of a crypto-related personality that features the same five properties liquidity, degenerarcy, tech know-how, shitposter, alpha.



Six editions of cards exist, each with varying rarity. Each card (or edition) also carries a variable endurance factor, determined at the rate at which its properties decreases in strength after being played. This provides strategic advantages in gameplay, based on the resilience of the cards' attributes.

Build Decks

Build Decks

Players have the flexibility to craft their decks from a selection of five cards, drawn from their own collection or rented from our dedicated renting market, offering a diverse range of strategic options for gameplay.

Choose your ETH blinds



In DEGEN WAR$, blinds serve as the entry fee for players joining a match, indicating the amount each participant has contributed. To facilitate matchmaking, the game will commence with four preset options for blinds. These blinds offer players varying entry points into the game, ensuring accessibility and diverse gameplay experiences.

Prize Money

Prize Money

The blind essentially translates to the prize money that the players can win. After having chosen a specific Tier to play in, both players have to deposit their blind into the prize pool. After a game has been played, the winner will keep her/his blind, and win the other player's blind.

Arena Selection



The five arenas in DEGEN WAR$— arena, McDonalds arena, Binance HQ, SEC arena, and Ethereum Foundation arena—each possess the power to decisively influence the outcome of the game.



Arenas play a pivotal role in DEGEN WAR$, influencing card properties by either enhancing them by 10% or weakening them by 10%. Each arena is associated with a specific category that it boosts or disadvantages. For example: In the arena, Degens are empowered, while Builders are at a disadvantage.

How to Battle



In DEGEN WAR$, the attacker in the initial round is determined through a VRF (Verifiable Random Function), ensuring fairness in selection. Subsequently, the winner of each round gains the privilege to choose the attack for the following round. Following the shuffling of cards, players can only view the top card of their respective decks, adding an element of unpredictability to the gameplay. When it's their turn to attack, the player calls out a property of the visible card, such as 'Liquidity - 80', initiating the strategic exchange between opponents.



The defender checks if they can beat the attacker's stat (highest number wins) with their visible card. Then, the cards are compared, and the one with the highest value in the chosen property wins the round. The winner adds their opponent's card to their deck, strengthening their strategy. Defenders can also strategically use boosters to enhance their defense and affect the round's outcome.




Health - replenishes the endurance for the next move. This booster can be purchased after the deck has been shuffled and the players know which card is up next to be played. ENDURANCE will replenish all properties of a card. So it can either be boosted up in a defensive manner to have full strength to protect your card from your opponent. Or, it can be boosted up in an offensive manner to attack your opponent with full strength.



ARENA - disables the arena effect for your own card. This booster can be purchased after the deck has been shuffled and the players know which card is up next to be played. Obviously, this booster will only be purchased in case your card will suffer from the arena you play in. Either in a defensive, or offensive manner.



SHIELD - protects your card for the next round.This booster can be purchased after the deck has been shuffled and the players know which card is up next to be played. This booster will be purchased in a defensive manner in order to protect your card from being captured by your opponent. You will not lose your card, and your opponent will not lose their card to you. Essentially, this booster skips the current move.

Game Modes

Quick Play

Quick Play

Quick Play mode in DEGEN WAR$ offers swift and spontaneous gameplay, allowing players to swiftly enter matches against random opponents. This mode follows the standard game format, featuring a deck of five cards, along with the inclusion of all boosters and arena effects. With no need to wait for specific opponents, Quick Play mode provides an accessible and dynamic gaming experience, perfect for those seeking immediate action and excitement.

Play a Friend

Play a Friend

In "Play a Friend" mode within DEGEN WAR$, players have the opportunity to engage in friendly matches against specific friends. While the focus is on facing off against familiar opponents, the gameplay adheres to the same general rules as the Quick Play mode. This means that players still utilize decks comprised of five cards and experience all the strategic dynamics brought by boosters and arena effects. "Play a Friend" mode fosters camaraderie and competition among friends while maintaining the excitement and intensity of the standard game experience.

Hardcore Mode

Hardcore Mode

Hardcore mode offers a high-stakes, head-to-head style of gameplay where players select only one card from their deck, engaging in a single decisive round. In this intense format, victory in the round secures the win for the entire game, adding an element of pressure and excitement to each encounter. Unlike other modes, Hardcore mode strips away the use of boosters and arena effects, focusing solely on the raw strength of the selected property. In this mode, players must rely on strategic decision-making and the inherent power of their cards to emerge triumphant.